Wheel Throwing

In this 5-week course you will be introduced wheel thrown ceramics. You will learn how to create functional ceramics on a potter’s wheel. Projects will include making functional ware from start to finish such as cups, beer mugs, plates, and bowls.

What You Will Learn

I will show you how to center clay, create basic forms, and how to work with the equipment. As you gain confidence you will progress into more difficult forms and more advanced throwing techniques. You will also learn how to trim, refine, and finish your work. You will also learn about the glazing process and be able glaze your own work.

You Will Do...

participants’ work

Please Note

If you are booking into this course you are committing to be able to attend for the duration of the course. We will offer make up sessions on a space available basis. If you are unable to attend a session for any reason and it cannot be made up, this is not the responsibility of the studio.

This course books out very fast. To secure your spot, you will need to complete the registration and pay your deposit.